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Expanding Our Capabilities at Westfield Steel

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Since opening our doors in 1977, an ongoing commitment to quality and continuous improvement has been paramount to Westfield Steel’s growth, success, and meeting customers’ evolving needs. Our value-added steel fabrication services help make us more than just a supplier, ensuring your custom products meet your specifications and are production-ready upon arrival. 

Recently, Westfield Steel made three exciting additions to our operations that further our capabilities as a custom steel fabricator. While welding, cutting, and bending metal have long been among our metal fabrication strengths, these new machines further increase our capabilities while improving efficiencies through new advanced and automated technologies.

Vectis Cobot Welding Tool

Collaborative robots, or “cobots,” have become popular industrial manufacturing tools. With the American Welding Society estimating a need for roughly 336,000 new professionals in the field by 2026, welding, particularly, has proven to be an application primed for automation. 

This Vectis Automation welder is powered by a Universal Robots UR10e collaborative robot (with six axes and a 65-inch reach) with a Miller Invision 352MPA MIG welder. Fully integrated into a 3-foot by 6-foot Rhino weld cart, the cobot can be repositioned wherever needed throughout the shop with no floor anchoring or dedicated footprint required. 

This portable and versatile cobot significantly boosts our productivity—it’s great for freeing up our welding staff from repetitive subassemblies, small- to medium-sized parts, or ergonomically unfavorable welds and allowing them to focus on more skilled welding tasks. While our certified welders are incredibly talented, highly repetitive, and large-batch welds on hundreds of smaller parts are tedious, time-consuming, and subject to variance in quality.

With our new Vectis cobot taking over those types of repetitive projects and other strenuous work, every weld is consistent and of the highest quality. 

Tsune TK130GL Ferrous Circular Saw

This Tsune automatic circular sawing machine leverages the latest machine design technology and is perfect for high-production steel cutting that balances precision, reliability, and easy operation. 

Outfitted with a carbide-tipped saw blade, the TK130GL can cut steel bars ranging from 1 inch to 4.3 inches for round and 5.1 inches for square with tolerance to five one-thousandths of an inch. It’s able to repeatedly produce high-quality parts without the need for constant human intervention, with a 20-foot feed table and automatic bar loading leading to cuts as frequently as every five seconds. 

The TK130GL utilizes a spray mist instead of flood coolant, helping keep the blade sharp and strong without making a mess or leaving cut pieces needing to be cleaned. Self-adjusting steel clamps hold the material in place while the ball-screw-driven saw head precisely slices through the steel, then the gripper feed carriage’s hydraulic clamps lift pieces vertically and horizontally away from the fixed surfaces. 

Cincinnati 750PF10 Proform+ Press Brake

A larger-version model of Cincinnati’s Proform+ press brakes, the 750PF10 boasts a 750-ton maximum bending pressure. It’s a great fit for high-tonnage applications, including large construction and agricultural equipment or major structural steel products. 

This press brake features a 14-foot bed and has a 28-inch open height and 18-inch throat depth. Despite the machine’s massive size, this press brake bends sheet metal and metal plates with precise accuracy, reliably consistent rigidity, and a fast ram speed of 11.5 cycles per minute. 

The 750PF10’s intuitive user interface, advanced controls, and 3D programming help our team efficiently optimize the metal bending process. As we’re always keeping an eye on the future, the entire system is fully upgradeable for ongoing continuous improvement—modernizing control upgrades, retrofitting new back gauges, or meeting any emerging customer needs, our steel bending capabilities will be able to answer any challenge.

Get the Most Value on Your Steel Products

Westfield Steel consistently maintains a significant and diverse inventory of high-quality steel products. With stock available in various sizes, grades, lengths, and finishes, one call will save you time and money for all your project’s steel supply and fabrication requirements.

We’re steel experts who recognize the importance of never settling and always striving to better ourselves. Whether it’s further expanding our inventory, optimizing region-wide delivery through our dedicated over-the-road trucking company, or making machinery additions to give customers more value and better-quality products, we’ll never stop improving. 

Talk to our team today to learn more about what we can do for you.



About Fritz Prine

Fritz is the President & CEO at Westfield Steel. He oversees the daily operations and is involved with the strategic vision of the company. Fritz has been with Westfield Steel since 2007. Before joining the team, Fritz worked with General Electric and GE Capital for 16 years. He started in finance through GE’s Financial Management Program after graduating from Syracuse University. At GE, he successfully moved from finance, to manufacturing, to sales, and then to acquisitions. He relishes in change and enjoys developing people.

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