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Recognizing Team for 1,000 Days Safe

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This month, we celebrated our Terre Haute production staff for an incredible achievement in safety. On July 5, 2021, they achieved 1,000 days without a lost-time accident/ injury. An achievement such as this requires constant attentiveness and care, and always looking out for one another. We shared a meal together and recognized them for their steadfast commitment to safety, day in and day out. Below is a picture of the Terre Haute team. Please join us as we honor these employees for their great effort.

Terre Haute Safety Milestone


About Fritz Prine

Fritz is the President & CEO at Westfield Steel. He oversees the daily operations and is involved with the strategic vision of the company. Fritz has been with Westfield Steel since 2007. Before joining the team, Fritz worked with General Electric and GE Capital for 16 years. He started in finance through GE’s Financial Management Program after graduating from Syracuse University. At GE, he successfully moved from finance, to manufacturing, to sales, and then to acquisitions. He relishes in change and enjoys developing people.

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