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Westfield Steel Conducts First Annual Earth Day Cleanup

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As part of our exploration of being a “greener” company, Westfield Steel held its first Earth Day event on April 25.

Chris Isaacs, Manger of Quality and Safety, was the driving force to plan, organize, and conduct the symphony of workers. All of our employees were part of our onsite beautification. Mini-teams spent two hours each in various areas. Some teams focused on cleanup and trash on our 20 acres. Other teams focused on organizing wood dunnage in new racks and bins. We even had a team create an enjoyable landscaped area with perennials, ground cover, and mulch.

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Beyond the basic housekeeping and cleanup, the event helped build morale and instill a sense of team. These cleanup activities also put heft behind our operational improvements with 5S. We completed Sort, Set in Order, and Shine. The more difficult steps of Standardize and Sustain are what we will be mindful of moving forward. The added benefit will be a sixth “S” of Safety. As a steel service center, we are always cognizant of slips, trips, and falls when it comes to Safety.

As an organization, our first applied Earth Day went well. The free lunch with cookies helped the time go faster… especially the cookies.


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