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Accepting The Challenge

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If one is not challenged in life, then how do they know what they’re capable of? In business and life in general, challenges give you an opportunity to grow further and develop that “never quit attitude.” At Westfield Steel, we enjoy taking on certain challenges to test and showcase our capabilities.

Recently, we received a sales call from a construction design firm based out of San Rafael, California. They were building the St. George Orthodox Church in Fishers, and needed more steel in a short timeframe. How soon did they need it? The steel beams and tube, cut for the order, were needed the next day so they could raise the dome of the church. The dome of the St. George Orthodox Church was one of the most iconic and important features of the building.

We took on the challenge and were able to provide them a quote the same day and delivered the steel they needed the next day. This was all within four hours of them confirming the quote.

Pictures always speak much more than words. Below are some photos of the steel, the delivery, and the illustrated picture of what the final church will look like.





About Fritz Prine

Fritz is the President & CEO at Westfield Steel. He oversees the daily operations and is involved with the strategic vision of the company. Fritz has been with Westfield Steel since 2007. Before joining the team, Fritz worked with General Electric and GE Capital for 16 years. He started in finance through GE’s Financial Management Program after graduating from Syracuse University. At GE, he successfully moved from finance, to manufacturing, to sales, and then to acquisitions. He relishes in change and enjoys developing people.

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